Dr. Curtis graduated as Valedictorian from the small east Texas town of Wills Point and went on to Texas A&M University where he graduated with Summa Cum Laude honors with a degree in Biomedical Sciences. Dr. Curtis then attended dental school at Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, Tx and was honored to be a member of the Omicron Kappa Upsilon Honor Society. He completed his pediatric specialty residency at Children’s Medical Center Dallas, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, and Baylor College of Dentistry. As a resident, Dr. Curtis was named Provider of the Month for the entire Children’s Medical Center system, the only resident to have ever received this award. Also, during residency, Dr. Curtis was honored with the prestigious AAPD Harris Fellowship under the late, great Dr. Suzi Seale and completed a nationwide research project helping to improve advocacy for the oral healthcare needs of children across the country. Dr. Curtis is still very passionate about children’s advocacy at the local level, state level, and national level. Dr. Curtis went on to become a Diplomat to the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and is a Board Certified Pediatric Dentist.

Dr. Curtis utilizes an all-tissue laser (Biolase Waterlase iPlus Laser) in his pediatric care for soft tissue and hard tissue procedures. Dr. Curtis finds great joy in being able to help children get fillings and crowns done with the laser without having to give a shot. He also is very passionate about helping breastfeeding moms and tongue-tied babies get the care they need in a safe, efficient way by utilizing his laser for laser frenectomies. His proficiency in the use of lasers in pediatric dental care was recognized by Biolase (a laser company) and they asked him to serve as a Consultant for the company in developing new products and pediatric-specific education materials. Dr. Curtis is the Executive Director of the Waterlase Pediatric Dental Academy where he develops educational resources, training programs, and procedural systems for pediatric laser dental care for dentists across the globe. Dr. Curtis lectures to dentist across the nation and teaches hands on training course to help fellow dentists become more proficient in using lasers in the care of the children in their communities.
Dr. Curtis is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to the children he has the pleasure of being able to care for. He strives to provide proactive education, preventive and minimally invasive dental procedures, and customized dental care. Dr. Curtis is very passionate about child’s oral health, spend a few minutes with him and you will find that it is contagious!

“If you would have asked me as a child what I wanted to be when I grew up, the last thing I would have said would have been a dentist. To say I hated going to the dentist would be an understatement. I was terrified of the dentist when I was a child but with time I grew to see it in a different light. I can put myself in that scared child’s shoes, because that was me when I was their age. Now I love being able to help children have the best dental experience they can have, specifically tailored to their needs.

Dr. Curtis grew up on his family’s ranch in the small east Texas town of Wills Point where his family has been active members of the community for over a hundred and twenty-five years.
Dr. Curtis is married to his high school sweetheart, Rachel, and has three beautiful children, Birdie Belle, Dodson, Emerson, and Goldie Sue. He is a very family-oriented guy and his proudest achievement is being called Dad. He loves spending time with his family either on their ranch or at Disney World! He and his wife are very involved with their local community and are proud of their deep east Texas roots.